We all lose things from time to time. This is a replacement ladder for your TentBox!
If you are unsure which version you require, please contact us.
Ideally send a photo of your TentBox so we can identify the correct version for you.
We all lose things from time to time. This is a replacement ladder for your TentBox!
If you are unsure which version you require, please contact us.
Ideally send a photo of your TentBox so we can identify the correct version for you.
Delivery: Delivered in 2-3 days from our warehouse in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
We deliver to all mainland EU countries:
Returns: Return for a refund within 30 days of delivery.
If required, we can arrange for the item to be collected, the cost of which will be deducted from your refund.
For full delivery and returns information, click here.